Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Why should you start your morning with warm lemonade?

In today's society we have become programmed to practically crawl to the coffee pot first thing in the morning. The problem with this? When we first wake, our bodies are in an acidic state from all the breakdown of lactic acid and toxins throughout the night. By drinking coffee first thing, we are making our body even MORE acidic which not only makes it harder to lose weight, but it affects our energy levels, our skin, and greatly impacts our digestive system in a negative way. Did you know that one way our body keeps acid from entering our vital organs is to store the acid in your fat cells, leading to weight gain and obesity??

So the question is, what should we be drinking first thing?? Obviously WATER. When we wake up our bodies are dehydrated from having ZERO liquids for at least 7 hours. So not only is it craving some hydration, it needs something that is going to help FLUSH the toxins that have been built up in your liver through the night.

Why Lemon?

The vitamin C in lemon juice helps produce glutathione which helps the liver to process toxins and eliminate them. The combination of water mixed with lemon helps the formation of quality bile (gross, I know... just being real). 

The warm water also promotes peristalsis, the contraction of muscles in the colon that keeps waste and fat moving along the digestive tract and out of the body for elimination. Also, lemon juice contains the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and manganese, which makes it highly alkalizing to the body!

Tip: your water should be the temperature of a cup of tea, not boiling hot! If it's too hot the vitamin C in the juice is easily destroyed by high temperatures.

** For more on this, I suggest picking up a copy of "The Science Of Skinny" by Dee McCaffrey, CDC

What Can Drinking Warm "Lemonade" Do For You?

If I haven't already convinced you to ditch coffee first thing and turn to warm lemon water first, maybe these health benefits will do the trick. 

1. Lemon water is full of electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium (3 of which most humans are VERY low on)!

2. Help with your joints - if you're a runner or heavy lifter, this is a no brainer!

3. Better disgestion - hello, step number 1 in healthy weight loss

4. Increased liver function - coffee, alcohol, drugs all put A LOT of stress on the liver. Take care of this organ, without it, there would be no YOU.

5.Liver cleansing 

6. Fight respiratory infections

7. Regulate bowl movement 

8. Reduce depression and anxiety symptoms - since warm lemon water has a high potassium content, both depression and anxiety are linked to not having enough potassium in your blood

9. Regulate blood pressure 

10. Revitalize your skin - thank you vitamin C!

11. Protect your body through pregnancy 

12. Relieve heartburn 

13. Kidney stone relief 

14. Weight loss 

15. Oral health - lemon water helps relieve tooth pain and fight gingivitis 

16. Prevent cancer - studies have shown cancer cannot thrive in an environment that is rich in alkaline- a substance prevalent in lemon

So, get on the lemon water train! You'll feel better, you'll have more energy, and you won't even miss having coffee first thing!!! 



Saturday, April 23, 2016

Eating Clean While Eating Out!

I hear all the time from my those i'm working with that hardest part about staying true to their health and fitness goals is the weekends. In particular, dining out! The truth is, I had this same struggle. When I first began my weight loss journey I would literally stress myself out so much about going out to eat and "cheating", I didn't even enjoy the experience. I finally got to a point where I just didn't go out to eat... let me tell you, I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS. Living a healthy lifestyle is all about learning balance, not living in a state of restriction and stress. So, here are some of my tips that saved me when dining out!

1. Research Your Restaurant

Instead of waiting until you get to the restaurant to scan the menu for something along your nutritional guidelines, find the menu online BEFORE you leave the house and decide on exactly what you're going to order before you get there. The perks of planning ahead is you skip opening up the menu and starring at all those mouth watering pictures of food you really don't want to eat but at the same time are SO tempted. PLUS, online has all the nutritional info listed where in the restaurant you don't have that luxury. 

2. Keep It Simple

Okay, what if the menu for the restaurant you're headed to doesn't have an online menu? Maybe they're just a local deli or cafe, what now?? Look for simple dishes like chicken, steamed fish, vegetables, salad... the simpler the food, the more unprocessed it is, and closest it'll be in tune to your meal plan.

3. Order Dressing On The Side

Most restaurant dressing has added sugar. If possible, try and order balsamic and vinegar dressings (or just oil & vinegar), which are the least processed. Otherwise, order dressing on the side and use sparingly. 

4. Order Water

Get rid of the empty calories found in sodas, beers, and sweetened beverages. Free refills and sitting around the table chatting with friends is a great way to consume an entire days worth of calories, not to mention 3x the recommended daily amount of sugar. Ask for a lemon to add some flavor and you'll be surprised how much more drinking water before your meals will help you to eat LESS.

5. Don't Be Afraid To Be That Guy (or girl)!

Ignore the little voice in your headed telling you to be easy going and not make a big deal out of the food you're about to put in your mouth. I've been a server and I promise, it's almost a breath of fresh air when someone cares enough about their health to be bold enough to ask for no butter on their veggies, light seasoning on their chicken, replacing the mashed potatoes with a sweet potato, etc. So stop worrying what others will think and focus on YOU. This is food to fuel YOUR body, not anyone else's. Maybe you'll even inspire someone else at the table to duplicate your order. :)

6. Ask For A Box As Soon As You Get Your Meal

We all know the portions while dining out are rediculous. Most of the time they are enough to feed two, sometimes even three people! If you're one who will keep eating as long as the food is in front of you, ask for a box as soon as you get your meal. I still do this today when I dine out to watch my portion control and limit myself to a place of fulfillment versus stuffed! Not only does this save calories, but it spreads your meal cost over two meals and now you have lunch the next day too!

7. Skip Dessert

Okay so I kinda cringed a little when I typed that. I'm totally a "dessert before dinner" kinda gal. If you're out celebrating, and you know you won't feel a sense of guilt after indulging, I say allow yourself to split a dessert with a few others. I few bites of carrot cake (rarely can I turn this down), cheesecake, or chocolate cake are NOT going to reverse all your hard work. Once again, it's about balance so if you REALLY want it (& once again won't later kill yourself with guilt) then have it. However, I don't recommend it every single time you dine out. Pick and choose your indulgences and make them worth it!

8. Enjoy The Feeling Of Freedom!

It's important to realize that the enjoyment of eating that unhealthy, overly processed food may be impeccable at the moment; but the feeling of control, and continued success to the body you've always desired is completely unbeatable. Feeling good in your skin, having that vibrant confidence, and thriving with energy will go so much farther and truthfully has been my driving force since I started experiencing it. Living a healthy lifestyle don't have to be boring and definitely does not have to be restricting, it's a blissful life full of FREEDOM as long as you have the right mindset. Embrace your journey and celebrate the fact you've taken that first step to a new you! 

Clean Eating Restaurants To Try:
  • Fresh To Order (Atlanta Airport)
  • Chipotle
  • Zoe's Kitchen
  • Panera Bread 
  • Bonefish Grill
  • Outback Steakhouse (salmon with no butter and light seasoning with mixed veggies also no butter and a plain sweet potato is where it's at!)
Questions? I'd love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below.



Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Healthiest Meal Of The Day

When a salad + dessert take one extreme nutrition, Shakeology is born.

Are you one of those people who knows they need more veggies in their daily meal plan but the thought of a salad in place of a cheeseburger just doesn't do it for ya? Or instead of reaching for that treat late at night, going for veggies instead? You're not alone.

But what if you could get all the nutrition in a salad (times 3), that actually tastes like dessert? I'm serious, stay with me.

I used to pay SO much money for vitamins, top notch protein shakes/meal replacement shakes, and superfood supplements online. 
Here's just an example:
1. Mytrition Women's Sport Personal Pack- $39.99/month
2. Probiotics- $46.99/60 day supply
3. Vega One, All In One Protein Shake- $70/ 19 servings

This alone adds up to almost $135/month and still doesn't provide me with the same nutrition as Shakeology which costs $129/month.

It gets better though, are you ready?

Vega One vs. Shakeology:
Vega OneThis is the Vega One “All in One” Shake and the same shake I USED to buy.  It has (synthetic) daily vitamins, compared to the Tropical and Vegan Chocolate Shakeology that come from 100% natural whole food vitamins.  And, it IS a meal replacement.  It also contains (very FEW) super foods. Nineteen to be specific.  It is 100% natural.  Another plus. The taste however, does not even compare!
So what's the difference? Shakeology has SEVENTY super foods.  And it's those super foods that give Shakeology it’s unique profile. I believe it’s also those super foods that are responsible for Shakeology’s thousands of patient testimonies including, cholesterol and blood pressure reductions, digestive regularity and improvements, and reductions in diseases with inflammatory markers. With Shakeology, you get EVERYTHING that Vega One offers, PLUS an additional FIFTEY ONE exotic super foods all working to improve your health, energy and recovery.
Additionally, Vega One does not use the one strain of probiotic that is proven to not be destroyed by stomach acid, Bascillus Coagulans. Shakeology, does use this strain of probiotic. This is important because if a probiotic isn’t able to with stand stomach acid, it will never reach the intestine to do its work.
Here is the final consideration comparing Vega One to Shakeology.  Vega One costs $70 for just 20 servings.  Shakeology costs $129 for 30 servings.  When you compare the actual breakdown of cost per serving the difference is just 80 CENTS per day.  For 80 cents more a day you are getting three times the amount of  exotic super foods, best strain of probiotic and quality of shake. Did I mention shakeology helps improve your mood too?!
This article comes from another blogger, click here to read more! 
Shakeology vs. Vitamins:
Time and time again I have people who roll their eyes at the words of a "nutrient dense meal replacement shake". Especially one that's seems as pricey as Shakeology. Funny part? Before doing my own research, I was that SAME person! I took my beloved vitamins, had my vegan, raw meal replacement shake, I didn't need NEW.
What are aren't told is that 99% of the time the vitamins we are taking aren't actually doing us any good. Many times they are actually harming our bodies. So how is this true?

Just like refined foods, synthetic refined vitamins have been robbed of all of the extra accessory nutrients that they naturally come with as well. In turn, like refined foods, they can create numerous problems and imbalances in your body if taken at high levels for long periods of time. They can also act more like drugs in your body, forcing themselves down one pathway or another. At the very least, they won't help you as much as high quality food and food-based supplements.

Nutrients from whole foods are just as they say, whole. Nutrients from within this complex cannot be taken apart or isolated from the whole, and then be expected to do the same job in the body as the whole complex is designed to do.

The perfect example of this difference can be seen in your car. An automobile is a wonderfully designed complex machine that needs all of its parts to be present and in place to function properly. Wheels are certainly an important part of the whole, but you could never isolate them from the rest of the car, call them a car or expect them to function like a car. They need the engine, body and everything else.
Since refined foods are not recognized by real food by our body, synthetic vitamins aren't either. So although we think we are doing ourselves good by choking down that handful of vitamins every morning, it's actually causing our bodies MORE harm.
Stick with the simple nutrition. There's a reason it's a little higher priced than supplements you can find on the shelves of GNC... You get what you pay for.

Thanks for stopping by!
If you have questions, please comment below or email me at brianna@briannasoutherlandfitness.com!


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Oatmeal Muffins - 21 Day Fix Style

So i'm going to take y'all back to 2002, I was 9 years old and ate anything and everything I could get my hands on that was PROCESSED, full of SUGAR, and had practically no nutrition. My favorite breakfast or snack was those little chocolate chip mini muffins in the package... anyone remember those? OMG SO GOOD. I look back now though, and they don't even compare to the HEALTHY, nutrition dense food I eat today. However, sometimes you just want that treat but without the guilt.. you with me?? I have good news for you... these muffins will become a MUST. You can make a large batch and store the extras in the freezer for later so they don't end up going bad! How convenient right? I love this whole NEW definition of "fast food".

Is you mouth watering yet???? Ya, me too.

These muffins are so EASY and versatile too! I can't wait for you to try them!

21 Day Fix Oatmeal Muffins
makes 12 servings

1 egg + 3 egg white
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cups applesauce, unsweetened
1 banana, mashed
1/4 cup raw honey
2 1/2 cups, Gluten Free Old Fashioned rolled oats
1/8 cup chai seeds (optional)
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups milk
Optional toppings: blueberries, raisins, walnuts, chocolate chips, strawberries, pistachios, protein powder for additional protein 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix eggs, vanilla, applesauce, banana and honey together in a bowl.
Add in oats, chia seeds (if using), cinnamon, baking powder, salt and mix well with wet ingredients.
Finally pour in milk and combine.
Line a 12 cup muffin tin with paper liners.
Divide mixture evenly into muffin tin cups. I used a 1/4 measuring cup, measure just a tad under 1/4 cup to make 12 servings.
Add the toppings...

Bake 30 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out clean. Cool and enjoy or freeze them in gallon freezer bags or freezer friendly tupperware.

You can eat them like a muffin for an easy grab-and-go breakfast or you can eat them like oatmeal by simply putting in a bowl and stirring in a little warm milk. I store leftovers in the freezer, take one out the night before to thaw in the fridge and reheat in the microwave for about 60 seconds.

21 Day Fix Containers (2 muffins per serving with blueberries): 1 yellow, 1 tsp., 1/2 purple (add a red if you include protein powder)




Tuesday, April 5, 2016

21 Day Fix Stuffed Peppers

I remember the first time I heard about the term "stuffed peppers". It was back in my not so skilled in the kitchen stage, and honestly, they seemed SO complicated! I don't know if it was just the perfection of the picture, or the thought of perfectly cutting off the top of a pepper without butchering it.. but either way, it intimidated me!

Fast forward a year later... the intimidation is gone and I had a nice surprise the first time I decided to tackle this recipe. They were SO easy to make! I mean, ridiculously easy to make... They have now become a staple in my house hold and a meal prep tradition!

The greatest part is, this recipe can be SO verstile! Ground turkey or chicken? brown rice or quinoa? Black beans or no black beans? Cheese or no cheese? extra veggies or no extra veggies? get the picture???

This one is a 21 Day Fix Approved recipe for all of my fixers! Let me know how you like it!!

21 Day Fix Stuffed Peppers

Serves: 6
Fix Portions (per pepper): 2 green, 1 red, 1/2 y, 1/2 b (if you use cheese!)

What you will need:

  • 6 bell peppers (I prefer the red, yellow, and orange)
  • 12 oz. lean ground turkey (aim for 97% lean!)
  • 1 can fire roasted tomatoes (28 oz. can)
  • 1 can diced tomatoes with green chilies
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 green container of leftover pepper tops (chopped)
  • 1 green container of kale OR spinach (chopped)
  • 1 green container of broccoli (chopped)
  • 2 yellow containers of quinoa 
  • 1 yellow container of black beans 
  • 3 blue containers of cheese (if using)
  • 2 tbsp of each: ground cumin, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, italian seasoning
  • Salsa (to top) - optional 


  1. Cook quinoa according to package instructions (I like cooking mine in low sodium beef broth for added flavor).
  2. In a skillet brown your ground turkey. When finished, drain any extra fat.
  3. Meanwhile, chop the tops off bell peppers. Dice them for later use.
  4. Saute diced peppers, broccoli, and kale until softened (I like to cook mine only halfway since they will cook up in the oven). Drain any excess water.
  5. Open cans of tomatoes and separate the tomatoes from the juice/sauce it's in - but save the juice and spread it in the bottom of a small pyrex baking dish.
  6. In a large mixing bowl, combine ground turkey, veggies, 2 blue container cheese, 2 yellow containers quinoa, 1 yellow container of black beans, diced tomatoes, and seasoning. Mix well.

  1. Fill each pepper with mixture. Top with remaining 1 blue container cheese and sprinkle paprika on top
  2. Bake at 325 for 20-25 minutes


Friday, April 1, 2016

Shakeology - What Is It Really?

Acts like a salad, tastes like a dessert! 

Why Do YOU Need Shakeology?

Used as a meal replacement or just a snack, Shakeology provides 70+ vitamins and minerals; most of which aren't found in the average American diet. Shakeology is made of some of the most nutient dense whole foods and superfoods from all over the world. Some of the ingredients include Goji Berry, Acai Berry, Barley Grass, Chia Seeds, Wheat Grass, Camu-Camu, Blue-Green Algae, and Bilberry. Shakeology is an EASY, delicious way to make sure to get your nutrition each day.

What Can Shakeology Do For You?

Shakeology has been proven to...

  • Reduce Hunger & Food Cravings
  • Lose Weight
  • Keep Blood Sugar Steady 
  • Support Brain Function 
  • Healthier Skin, Nails, and Hair
  • Build & Improve Muscles 
  • Increase Energy
  • Improve Digestion
  • Uplift Mood
  • Boost Immune System 
I get asked frequently if Shakeology can be replaced with just your average protein or nutrition/meal replacement shake... the answer? Absolutely NOT. Most shakes are full of added sugars, chemicals, and additives that are actually doing your body harm. Shakeology however is one of the BEST things you can feed your body. It makes nutrition simple.

But is there PROOF?

In an independent 90-day study, participants replaced one meal a day with Shakeology and exercised regularly.

Here’s what they told us:
  • “I felt full and didn’t struggle with hunger.” 
  • “I felt a better sustained energy throughout the day.” 
  • “I have tons of energy. I feel so healthy!” 
  • “I replaced all my vitamin supplements. I felt healthy and energized.” 
  • “I was able to think more clearly and stay focused.” 
  • “I have more energy, less cravings, more endurance, and feel more youthful.” 
  • “Shakeology reduced my appetite and increased my energy so that I could accomplish more things throughout the day.” 
  • “I have tried a lot of protein shakes and meal-replacement-type drinks, and Shakeology is the best tasting of them all. I mix it with a bit of soy milk and ice, and it tastes like an ice cream shake!”

The doctor who ran the study said this about the participants...

  • They reduced oxidative stress, a risk factor for degenerative diseases, by as much as 90%. 
  • They lowered their total cholesterol levels by an average of 30% and their “bad” cholesterol levels by an average of 38%. 
  • They reduced their cardiovascular risk factors by an average of 24%

What Do The Experts Have To Say?

“Overall, we think that this product is absolutely worth the cost. The ingredients, which include 23 vitamins and minerals, will fulfill anyone’s daily intake of vitamins,” states Health Research News. “In fact, many people who start the Shakeology system stop taking their daily multivitamin altogether.”