Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mason Jar Salads

My love for mason jars just continues to expand! Mason jar salads have become an every week MUST during my Sunday meal preps. They are such a convenient way to make sure you're eating a healthy lunch and getting in those dreaded greens! I have two recipes I flip flop between during the week, but this one is the simplest and can be tweaked according to your nutrition needs and meal plan.
First, add your dressing. This balsamic vinegar is my absolute favorite dressing ever created! Literally. ZERO calories, tastes amazing, and you don't need a ton of it so this big bottle will last you a while. I absolutely recommend it for anyone looking to get away from those creamy, fat filled dressings! You can order it online at Emerald Coast Olive Oil.
Next, add in your veggies! Typically I add cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, and carrots. By putting these in right on top of the balsamic, it allows the raw veggies to absorb the flavoring & they taste AMAZING by the time you go to eat your salad!

This step is optional, but if you choose to add nuts, dried fruits, or fresh fruits; this is when you would do so! I like to crush some cashews almond for crunch, or even raw sunflower seeds. Sometimes i'll add unsweetened cranberries, unsweetened coconut, or fresh fruit!

Now, add that CHEESE! I have a serious love for feta. It's one of those foods I try to not eat so much of, but somehow I only succeed like half of the time... At least I used my blue container from the 21 day fix program to make sure I didn't go over board!

Last, add your greens! I like to do a spinach/kale mixture, but you can use anything!

THAT'S IT! Crazy easy right?!
The best part? These salads will hold up to 5 days in the fridge so you can make an entire week of lunches in about 30 minutes!
I'd love to hear any other concoctions you have tried & loved so please share!

21 Day Fix Approved Pancakes

In our home, breakfast for dinner is a usual thing! I'm convinced I could eat breakfast foods for every single meal of the day. Okay, maybe not every meal, everyday... but pretty dang close!

This recipe has become a staple! It's made from all clean ingredients, is the PERFECT fix for those of you (like me) who just want "comfort" food for dinner without ruining your days worth of healthy eating, AND it's 21 Day Fix approved... WIN WIN WIN!

Just to make these THAT much better, I added organic almond butter and some strawberries. Hey, why not right??


*Makes 6 pancakes.
Fix Portions (for 3 pancakes): 1/4 yellow, ½ red, 1 purple

  •   2 eggs
  •  1 banana
  • 3/4 cup oats
  •  ½  cup unsweetened applesauce (I use a 4oz applesauce cup)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  •  1 tsp cinnamon 


1.      Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth (about 30 seconds)

2.      Pour onto a lightly greased griddle or griddle pan (I use a very small amount of real, unsalted butter)

3.      Cook until lightly brown on both sides

4.      Drizzle with 1 tsp of 100% pure maple syrup (optional- my daughter eats them plain and loves them- I’ve made them 2 days in a row!)


Add your favorite fruit (blueberries, strawberries, peaches, etc) or dark chocolate chips to the batter when the pancakes are on the griddle for an extra "sweet" start to your morning!