Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Four *CLEAN* Versions Of Overnight Oats

It's official. Overnight oats have stolen my heart.

You can eat them hot or cold - with or without nut butters - thick & creamy OR slightly running - resembling a dessert OR fairly "safe" - super healthy OR super UNhealthy! The possibilities are endless.

Today I was feeling a little edgy & decided WHY NOT try a different overnight oats recipe for each day of the week??


Maple French Toast Overnight Oats by Fit Foodie Finds {http://fitfoodiefinds.com/2015/04/8-ways-to-eat-overnight-oats/#_a5y_p=3624104}

Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake Overnight Oats by Fit Foodie Finds {link above}

Peanut Butter Banana Coconut Overnight Oats

Raspberry Almond Coconut Overnight Oats

Peanut Butter Banana Coconut Oats:
Yields: 1 serving
1/2 cup rolled oats

3 oz. plain greek yogurt 

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 banana, mashed

1 tablespoon chia seeds 

1 tablespoon organic peanut butter

1/2 tsp. cinnamon 

1/4 tsp. pure vanilla extract 

1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut 

Note: I added sliced apples and sliced almond for the fun of it! Feel free to add whatever you would like. 


Add ingredients to mason jar (I prefer the wide mouth mason jars), mix together, and refrigerate overnight (at least 8 hours).

Raspberry Almond Coconut Overnight Oats
Yield: 1 serving 
1/2 cup old fashioned oats

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 cup raspberries 

1/4 cup plain greek yogurt 

1 tablespoon chia seeds 

1 tablespoon pure maple syrup 

1/2 tsp. almond extract 

1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut 

1 tablespoon sliced almonds 

1/4 tsp cinnamon 


Mix ingredients into wide mouth mason jar, and refrigerate overnight. 

Meal Prep Medley Meal

So I have this slight obsession with meal prepping. It's about so much more than the food, too! I love getting creative with my meals, making meal plans, and stocking my fridge full of delicious, healthy foods for the week! 

Two years ago, I didn't have the slightest clue on how to cook, nor where to start. So when I began trying to live a "healthy" lifestyle, it turned into a JOB trying to keep up with all the do's and do not's of clean eating. 

I did the research {& lots of it!}, learned how to meal prep {effective & efficiently}, & now i'm here to make your life SO much easier! 

These meals were adapted from a recipe I found called "medley meals". I fell in love with the concept of them and now they have become a staple in my weekly meal prep!

The Basics:

You want to pair a protein, a vegetable, and a complex carb together. Outside of that, you can get as creative as you want!

Mixes I've created and LOVED:

  • Ground turkey, quinoa, edamame, unsweetened cranberries, toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted vegetables {recipe to follow}, roasted butternut squash, and 1 tbsp. of trader joes Island Soyaki **pictured above**
  • Chicken, black beans, quinoa, corn, peppers, organic salsa
  • Shrimp, quinoa OR brown rice, dried cranberries, edamame, vegetable medley, crushed cashews, and Trader Joe's Pineapple Salsa

Beachbody's Ultimate Reset Review

After looking at this Reset kit for almost 4 months, I came back from vacation and decided to dive right in! Committing to 21 days of a cleanse SCARED me. I kept finding excuses not to start because I didn't have 21 days... I finally realized I have to make 21 days and make this work if I wanted to do it. SO here we are!

What is the Ultimate Reset?

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a scientific 21 day detox that helps wean your body from craving unhealthy foods and prepares it for change. During the reset your body will release toxic compounds that are clogging your cells and help restore your metabolism back to normal. How? This diet is designed to be nutrient-dense with the right amount of enzymes and probiotics your body needs on a daily basis. Most cleanses do the body more harm than they do good-- by starving your body of exactly the nutrients it needs. On the Ultimate Reset, you will eat better than you have in years and actually eat 3 full meals with a possible snack.

What does the Ultimate Reset come with?

It comes with a full meal plan for 21 days, 6 supplements along with an "on the go" supplement carrier, and full recipes for every meal. I loved the participant website. I gave testimonials, provided support, and provided me with a 21 day grocery list where all I had to do was print and shop!

Why I decided to give the reset a try

As a sugar-oholic, Shakeology (the nutrient dense shake created by the same person who created the Ultimate Reset) has been my saving grace! When looking into this cleanse that had been recommended to me by another coach I learned it was much more than a cleanse! I was already a healthy eater, but I knew I was eating too much of some food groups and not enough of another. I LOVED cheese, avocado, and nuts... which was way too much fat for an everyday diet. I knew I needed to cut back on my dairy intake but couldn't seem to do it on my own. The 21 day reset came with recipes, a meal plan, and a specific guide to be sure those 21 days left no confusion and even included a detailed description of each food in the cleanse and its health benefits! I was ready for my energy to be at an ultimate high and needed to cut my sugar cravings.

My Experience

Day 1: I was so surprised by how BIG the portions were and how much food we were able to eat today. The food was all amazing, though it did take some time to put together. For the first time in I don't know how long, I felt sleepy at 9:30 and was passed out by 10:30 with no restlessness.

Days 1-4 I had a minor headache from the caffeine withdrawls however I was amazed at the sleep I was getting! The first night I was OUT within 30 minutes of going to bed. Typically it takes me hours to go to sleep and I still wake up frequently throughout the night. 

Week one realizations:

🔸I'm a grazer. I go to the kitchen whenever I want & eat. I don't hardly eat full meals but I've been eating way more then I think I have. I'm starting to learn to be more aware of when I'm eating & if I'm actually hungry or just need more water.
🔸My sleep is AMAZING! Y'all, before this week I don't know the last time I fell right to sleep (before midnight) and slept 8 hours!
🔸I wake up with energy & enthusiasm to take on the day! Before, I was a zombie until I had my coffee. Now, I don't need it!
🔸I have more energy throughout the day versus feeling sleepy come mid-afternoon. I start fading off between 9:30-10 which really is unheard of for me. 

Hello WEEK 2!

The portion sizes have NOT gotten any smaller. Day 9 took me an hour to finish my lunch & that was with the little pep talk I had to give myself to keep eating... I'm down 3.4 pounds and starting to see a change in my overall skin color, brightness, and my face looks slimmer.

Week two realizations: 

I took a picture and compared it to my "before" picture & was AMAZED by the difference. Though there's not a huge change in my size (less bloating & 4.5 pounds lighter), I was taken back at the difference in my skin color! 

The circles under my eyes have faded, the random breakouts I started having this summer on my shoulders and upper back have disappeared, my skin looks more even & HYDRATED. My eyes are looking brighter (which is a huge plus for me because they used to get red A LOT for no reason).

Although my workouts have been minimal, my skin looks tighter & less dimpl-y {yes, I just said that}!

THIS is why I'm so fascinated by food & how it affects your body! I thought I ate pretty clean 90% of the time & I'm still amazed by the change this far. 

Week 3- The FINAL Week!

The last week is by far the hardest! With a day to day busy schedule, it's been tough only in-taking fruits and vegetables.

I found myself constantly hungry, but didn't want to mess up the final results of the cleanse.

Lesson learned?

Keep drinking LOTS of water. This has been the only way I have been able to push past my hunger and stick to the meal plan!


I was pretty taken back by the final results. Although they were mostly inner changes, I had some pretty distinct outer changes as well. 

I felt almost like a new person! I learned a ton of great recipes I will continue to incorporate into my meal plans and well as a few new foods I never thought i'd find myself eating, yet ended up LOVING.

Is the reset for you?

Do you feel like you need a detox, but want to do something where you still eat 3-4 times per day and can still go about your day to day life? This detox rids your body of all the toxins and free radicals we come in contact with on a daily basis. PLUS, if you have digestive issues, this cleanse will be a game changer for you!

Contact me for more information or if you're ready to give this this a try! I provide online accountability groups in order to help keep you in line through your journey. 

Chocolate Power Bites

What could be better than oats, chocolate, coconut, and PUMPKIN all mixed together into one gooey "cookie" like ball? Maybe the fact they are 21 day fix approved, low calorie, low sugar, and 90% clean?! Oh, and you can have them prepared in less than 20 minutes. True story!

Chocolate Power Bites
Yield: 14 servings

1 cup old fashioned rolled oats

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 

1/2 cup pumpkin puree 

1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

1/4 cup white chocolate chips {optional}

1 tsp ground cinnamon 

1/8 cup unsweetened coconut 

1/8 cup ground flaxseed 

1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt


Mix all ingredients together (don't be afraid to get your hands a little dirty!), roll dough into small balls (about that of a golf ball), and plop onto a baking sheet laid out with parchment paper. Bake for 14 minutes at 350 degrees F.

21 Day Fix Containers: 2 cookies = 1 yellow