old Florida State graduate with a passion
for health,
fitness, and creating healthy foods in the kitchen! :)
Like many
of you, I have always struggled with my
weight and insecurities.
I was always the "bigger" friend, all the way from
I was always the "bigger" friend, all the way from
elementary school
through high school. For most of
my life I tried convincing myself that I was
*big boned* and it came from genetics so there
was nothing I could do.
My first year of college I definitely took part in the
My first year of college I definitely took part in the
"freshman 15"!
By the summer going into my
sophomore year, I was the heaviest I had EVER
and started to fall into a place of depression.
I tried cutting my calories to
the extreme, over
exercising, cutting out carbs, eating "low-fat"...
you name it, I tried it.
However, I found myself constantly bouncing back to that number on the scale I despised.
However, I found myself constantly bouncing back to that number on the scale I despised.
I turned to my bestfriend, GOOGLE, for some answers! I researched
everything from paleo,
to clean eating, to the truth behind carbs, to circuit
training. I began a whole new approach
to living a healthy lifestyle and
finally started seeing success.
Fast forward to December 2014 - I had dropped close to 20 pounds of the 30 I needed to
Fast forward to December 2014 - I had dropped close to 20 pounds of the 30 I needed to
lose and started falling back into starvation mode and over working
my body. I couldn't
understand why those last 10 pounds wouldn't budge!
I was introduced to an online accountability group where I began with a home fitness
I was introduced to an online accountability group where I began with a home fitness
program, a nutrient dense shake {that tasted like dessert... YES!}, and
was held accountable
by my coach when I didn't check in.
Within a month, 7 pounds were gone, my energy levels were through the roof, and my body
Within a month, 7 pounds were gone, my energy levels were through the roof, and my body
figure has taken a complete 180 degree transformation! I was working
out only 30 minutes
a day, had a meal plan given to me, and my sweet fix was
solved with this nutrition shake
that was starting to prove to be a miracle
I was finally the healthiest I had ever been and the happiest I could ever remember being.
I was finally the healthiest I had ever been and the happiest I could ever remember being.
I began to eat to fuel my body, learned to LOVE exercise and
the way it made me feel, and
most of all was given a chance to help others
overcome their lifelong defeat of diets, weight
gain, and binge eating.
My body isn't perfect, I don't have rock hard abs, and lord knows I will happily rock my
My body isn't perfect, I don't have rock hard abs, and lord knows I will happily rock my
cellulite! I was created perfect in the image of the one who
created me and I am grateful
everyday for that!
If you're struggling, feel lost, feel overwhelmed, and just simply need help; please contact
If you're struggling, feel lost, feel overwhelmed, and just simply need help; please contact
me! I know what it feels like! This blog was created for me to share recipes, share workouts,
and share inspiration to those who need it; and hopefully meeting a few new like-minded
friends along the way! :)
If my story spoke to you and you just need someone to chat with, contact me! I get no
greater joy than connecting with others and helping them with the
journey they are on! :)
My email is brisouthbbc@gmail.com OR you can connect with me on facebook at
https://www.facebook.com/bsouth.fitness <3
Thanks for stopping by, i'm so glad you're here!
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