Are you one of those people who knows they need more veggies in their daily meal plan but the thought of a salad in place of a cheeseburger just doesn't do it for ya? Or instead of reaching for that treat late at night, going for veggies instead? You're not alone.
But what if you could get all the nutrition in a salad (times 3), that actually tastes like dessert? I'm serious, stay with me.
I used to pay SO much money for vitamins, top notch protein shakes/meal replacement shakes, and superfood supplements online.
Here's just an example:
1. Mytrition Women's Sport Personal Pack- $39.99/month
2. Probiotics- $46.99/60 day supply
3. Vega One, All In One Protein Shake- $70/ 19 servings
This alone adds up to almost $135/month and still doesn't provide me with the same nutrition as Shakeology which costs $129/month.
It gets better though, are you ready?
Vega One vs. Shakeology:
This is the Vega One “All in One” Shake and the same shake I USED to buy. It has (synthetic) daily vitamins, compared to the Tropical and Vegan Chocolate Shakeology that come from 100% natural whole food vitamins. And, it IS a meal replacement. It also contains (very FEW) super foods. Nineteen to be specific. It is 100% natural. Another plus. The taste however, does not even compare!
So what's the difference? Shakeology has SEVENTY super foods. And it's those super foods that give Shakeology it’s unique profile. I believe it’s also those super foods that are responsible for Shakeology’s thousands of patient testimonies including, cholesterol and blood pressure reductions, digestive regularity and improvements, and reductions in diseases with inflammatory markers. With Shakeology, you get EVERYTHING that Vega One offers, PLUS an additional FIFTEY ONE exotic super foods all working to improve your health, energy and recovery.
Additionally, Vega One does not use the one strain of probiotic that is proven to not be destroyed by stomach acid, Bascillus Coagulans. Shakeology, does use this strain of probiotic. This is important because if a probiotic isn’t able to with stand stomach acid, it will never reach the intestine to do its work.
Here is the final consideration comparing Vega One to Shakeology. Vega One costs $70 for just 20 servings. Shakeology costs $129 for 30 servings. When you compare the actual breakdown of cost per serving the difference is just 80 CENTS per day. For 80 cents more a day you are getting three times the amount of exotic super foods, best strain of probiotic and quality of shake. Did I mention shakeology helps improve your mood too?!
This article comes from another blogger, click here to read more!
Shakeology vs. Vitamins:
Time and time again I have people who roll their eyes at the words of a "nutrient dense meal replacement shake". Especially one that's seems as pricey as Shakeology. Funny part? Before doing my own research, I was that SAME person! I took my beloved vitamins, had my vegan, raw meal replacement shake, I didn't need NEW.
What are aren't told is that 99% of the time the vitamins we are taking aren't actually doing us any good. Many times they are actually harming our bodies. So how is this true?
Just like refined foods, synthetic refined vitamins have been robbed of all of the extra accessory nutrients that they naturally come with as well. In turn, like refined foods, they can create numerous problems and imbalances in your body if taken at high levels for long periods of time. They can also act more like drugs in your body, forcing themselves down one pathway or another. At the very least, they won't help you as much as high quality food and food-based supplements.
Nutrients from whole foods are just as they say, whole. Nutrients from within this complex cannot be taken apart or isolated from the whole, and then be expected to do the same job in the body as the whole complex is designed to do.
The perfect example of this difference can be seen in your car. An automobile is a wonderfully designed complex machine that needs all of its parts to be present and in place to function properly. Wheels are certainly an important part of the whole, but you could never isolate them from the rest of the car, call them a car or expect them to function like a car. They need the engine, body and everything else.
Since refined foods are not recognized by real food by our body, synthetic vitamins aren't either. So although we think we are doing ourselves good by choking down that handful of vitamins every morning, it's actually causing our bodies MORE harm.
Stick with the simple nutrition. There's a reason it's a little higher priced than supplements you can find on the shelves of GNC... You get what you pay for.
Thanks for stopping by!
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