But, wait. Then something miraculous happened. I learned to LOVE those hours spent in the kitchen. I embraced my messes because I knew they were apart of my plan for SUCCESS. I knew in order for me to have a semi-sane week of clean eating, meal prepping was a must- therefore the hours spent in the kitchen, ALSO a must!
How did I get to that point you ask? MINDSET. I decided if I was going to spend those hours in the kitchen cooking each week, I needed to take full advantage of that time & find a way to keep it exciting! I started listening to personal development podcasts, uplifting music (yes, I am definitely one to dance around the kitchen like a crazy person!), & various webinars that would enhance my KNOWLEDGE. Hello, knowledge is POWER! Who doesn't love the feeling of being POWERFUL??!!
So, here is my meal plan I created (based off of the 21 day fix beachbody program) & the recipes are to follow!